Valentine's Day, a period of Gratitude


I love You forever Beloved Light Bearer. Below are a few happy thoughts from the Mind we share in God:


Valentine's Day is just a perfect opportunity to consider that the Heart comes first and always. It's a chance to acknowledge those we love (EveryOne) and to remind ourselves, as always, that Love is the Solution, the Answer, and the Way.


In the spirit of Valentine's Day we are happily touching the Love that comes from our Source. I'll always remind You how deeply You are loved and that You are Love; how unconditional, how unreserved, and how timeless this Love is.



I pray You always feel totally surrounded and supported by God. In the world you see and the folks you meet and the opportunities to See Who's ever Present, may You always be blessed.


How wonderful it feels to be fully supported and to have Holy Spirit open the Way with Ease! How Joyful it feels to have our Source looking after whatever is "needed" to be taken care of before we can even consider "what's needed" ;.Thank You God for the Gift of All Being Taken Care Of.


Happily we available to Childlike Wonder, the Innocent Gift of Wonder. We watch as One as our Source comes up with the experiences of miracles moment by moment. Our Source is bringing everything together for Christ and through Christ.


I recall the Love that surrounds Us always being an expression of God's Mind. The vitality of our Heart and our Source's Love dissolves any fear, doubt, or conflict acim podcast. Gratefully we are allowing the Heart of Love to lead the Way, to open all doors, and to dissolve all resistance that seems to stay our way.


I love You Beloved Light Bearer of God! I'm soooooooooo happy for the Love we share as One!!!!


Thanks for saying YES!!!!!!!!


Happy Valentine's Day!


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